Mayenne organic produce
Marché de LavalMarché de Laval
©Marché de Laval |Pascal Beltrami

The goodness of organic

Let’s raise a glass to organic produce

Here we cultivate flavour and quality, offering visitors a chance to recharge their batteries to the rhythm of a Slowlydays holiday – and organic produce is central to this.

In harmony with a nature, shaped by the hand of man and by time – fruit and vegetables, dairy products, flour, bread, meat, honey… the organic produce sector in Mayenne is particularly rich and diverse. It brings together the producers and more than 30 thirty different outlets: specialist stores, farmers’ markets, sales groups, and others.

Printemps bio and Vélo Fourchette

Responsible for supporting and promoting producers, farmers and local crafts, the Civam Bio 53association also organises original events.

Printemps bio (“organic Spring”) is a tour of farms and businesses, with films and debates, festivals, markets, cooking workshops and nature walks.

The Vélo Fourchette event, in May and June is a series of organised cycling and nature hikes, visiting the producers of organic food. In 2019, we focused on the region’s cheeses.

Organic food

Eating organic means a healthy diet, as everyone knows, but why not take advantage of your stay in the Valleys of Mayenne to actually meet the producers and see what goes into the process!

Having a deep commitment to improving the environment, they use special methods to preserve water, air, soil and local biodiversity. You can buy their produce in a number of specialist shops.

Look out for summer markets near where you are staying.

Direct sales and locally sourced ingredients – here you’re at the heart of organic farming.

The Planète en fête festival

Organic farming and sustainable development at the largest annual meeting of organic producers in Mayenne – one of the summer’s unmissable events.

Two days of exchanges on the environment, health, our habitat, and renewable energies. Two evenings of entertainment, concerts, organic meals, sales and tastings.

Planète en Fêtetakes place at the beginning of July, in a different place each year.

Guide Civam BioGuide Civam
©Guide Civam Bio

Did you know…

The Civam Bio association of Mayenne publishes an annual guide to places where organic products can be bought. The civambio53 website also has an interactive map of products and points of sale, along with a wealth of information.

Check it out before your walk or drive!

Jacques B.
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