©Chailland |Pascal Beltrami
ChaillandAt the foot of its Rock


Chailland is situated in the hollow of the Ernée valley, a green valley lined with spectacular rocky escarpments.

The banks of the Ernée

A picturesque village and green valley dominated by rocky escarpments, here is Chailland, labelled “Petite Cité de Caractère”.

First, you will see the village from below, from the banks of the Ernée river and the flowered bridge, near the old wheat mills and a wash-house with a movable floor.
Before setting off to meet the other washhouses or the beautiful residences evocative of the area’s rich past, take a look around and let the charm take over.

The masters of the forges

Chailland was an industrial centre for three centuries. From the village, a pleasant road leads to the former site of the forges.

If nature has regained its rights along the river, the last buildings, the workers’ houses and the Castle of the Forge give an idea of the importance of this activity which employed up to 500 workers.


The panorama of the Rock of the Virgin


Then you will discover Chailland from above, from the Rocher de la Vierge which dominates the village.

A magnificent view awaits you: the village, the winding valley of the Ernée and the immense forest.

The access path (starting behind the church) will allow you to breathe in the fragrances of the rose garden and discover the botanical and vegetable garden of the terraced gardens.

Eglise de ChaillandChailland Chailland Cp Dominique Vernier Mayenne Tourisme 1920px(5)
©Eglise de Chailland

Did you know that?

The neo-gothic church of Chailland (1892) was built according to the plans of Eugène Hawke. He also built the impressive Basilica of Pontmain on the site where the Virgin appeared to four children in 1871. Pontmain, this “Lourdes du bocage” is 31 km from Chailland. It welcomes 300,000 visitors every year.

Jacquse B.

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