Mountain Biking

Mountain Biking in Mayenne

The Mayenne is a great place for cycling. With its 85km of towpaths, the département has plenty to tempt even the quietest cyclists. But in Mayenne, mountain bikers are in for a treat too!

Here’s a overview of the spotlight in Mayenne!

VTT près de la rivière la ColmontVTT près de la rivière la Colmont
©VTT près de la rivière la Colmont|Pascal Beltrami
Mountain biking in Mayenne
Mountain biking in Mayenne
Session VTT en Mayenne

The Bois de l’Huisserie

The Bois de l’Huisserie is the green lung of the Laval urban area, covering 250 hectares! Enough to satisfy your desire for nature just a stone’s throw from the city!

As well as dedicated mountain bike trails, you’ll also find a host of facilities on site, including a fitness trail, picnic tables, children’s play areas and bridle paths.

And if you’re curious to find out more about the environment in which you practise your sport, the Centre d’Initiation à la Nature offers a range of nature-related activities all year round.

The Mont des Avaloirs

The highest point in western France, the Mont des Avaloirs area is a paradise for hikers and mountain bikers.

With rolling hills, heathland blooming with heather from August to October, and breathtaking panoramas, the northeastern part of Mayenne is simply a dream playground for mountain bikers.

There are plenty of hiking trails to choose from, whether in the Pail or Monnaie forests, and don’t miss the spectacular views from the Canyon des Toyères, the Corniche de Pail or, of course, the Mont des Avaloirs lookout point.

The Mayenne MTB Tour

Since 1995, the Tour de la Mayenne MTB has been offering mountain bikers the chance to discover the best routes in the Mayenne department. Throughout the year, the eleven clubs that make up the association organise rides that comply with a quality charter, guaranteeing you top-class routes.

For practical information and dates of forthcoming mountain bike tours, visit the association’s website.

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